Tuesday, October 17, 2006

It's good to be busy and I've been busy lately. You wouldn't know it by my blog but this thing is the last of my worries! :) So BatGirl encouraged me to post what I've been up to and here it is:

I finally finished the birthday painting for Alexander. His 5th birthday was in April but I didn't get the painting finished before the move and it languished for several months. We put it in the frame last night and hung it on his wall. He looks pretty happy about it all and I swear I'm not this surly all the time. There was another picture that had a wicked glare on the painting but I was kinda smiling in that one. I'd rather show the painting.

In case anyone wondered that green thing is a Teranadon and was an addition requested by Alexander. He also asked for the robot to have a mustache but I gotta draw the line somewhere.

What better way to celebrate getting a new painting hung on your wall than jumping on your bed. I don't feel so special because he jumps on his bed all the time.

Marina wanted to see drawings so here's a couple I recently did that I kinda like. The first one is just a pretty girl with cool hair and the second one is for a freind's birthday. He's turning the super old age of 50 and I thought he'd enjoy a robot. You can also get a good idea of what my desk looks like at any given time.

Here's a close up of these two drawings. You can see that I don't just crank out a sketch. Lots of revisions going on. That 50 on the robot was done about 50 times I swear. I probably did it about 3 or 4 more times after this. I painted the outlines for both of these as well as on another 12 that I may show later.

I've even found some time for photography. These are 8x10 paper negatives I made while trying to get a good print for a print exchange. The paper negs tend to be a bit contrasty but are a lot cheaper than film and at the 8x10 size you're talking about .25 cents verses $2 a shot. It make screwing up a lot easier to deal with and I seem to be doing that quite well.

Managed to get a decent print off of one of these (I think the second from the left) but it required a pre flash of .2 seconds before contact printing for 6 seconds. That sky was burned in pretty hot. If I had a scanner I could post the print but I don't so I won't.