Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Large Format Photography in Central Park

It was a cold-cold-cold sunny day in NYC and the one weekend Nathan comes down to visit I drag him all over Central Park with my 8x10 camera. I managed to make three OK shots. The scans are not super great so forgive my prints that aren't very flat.

An added bonus was taking Flat Shaylynn with us. This is a cool thing grade school kids do where they send a flat version of themselves to far away places to collect photos and stories. Then they get it all sent back and they share it with thier class.

The gorey photography details are:
Camera> Kodak 2D 8x10
Film> JandC 100
Film Developer> Rollo Pyro
Lens> Wollensak Velostigmat 12"
Paper> Forte Multigrade
Paper Dev> Dektol

Here is my somewhat heavy 8x10 camera with Flat Shaylynn in Central Park. It's about 12 degrees with just enough of a breeze to turn your fingers blue.

If you happen to come visit us in scenic New Jersey you will be forced to sit for a portrait. Hey, I gotta learn somehow.

This is looking across some pond at Bow Bridge.

This is some fountain.


Julie Collings said...

mr menace.
incredible b&W photos! in a captured moment, void of all color we see our souls balanced in the raw elements of our lives.

send flat shaylynn our way we will show her a great time.
thanks for letting batgirl use your camera, she developed her first roll this week and is hooked.
hey, i'm linked. thanks. J.

spyderette said...

if you want to get technical, it's a view of bow bridge over "the lake" and that's cherry hill fountain. :)

MenacingTourist said...

Thank You Spyderette...
Just so everyone knows, Candace is the only reason I don't get hopelessly lost in NYC. I almost had to call her when I tried to get home the last time :)

Uncle Guppy said...

NATHAN!!!!! :D

Flat Shaylynn is looks cold.