Sunday, October 28, 2007

New Paintings-Finally!
I've been really busy lately with work and freelance and haven't had the time or energy to post these most recent of painting. I think they were finished in mid/late summer.

Okay, these first two aren't new. I made them for the kids birthdays the year we moved to NJ and never posted Hadley's. I figured I'd repost Alexander's to put them both in context. Hadley calls hers "my robot girl". Any time I paint a robot girl she tells me that it's hers. I've managed to only give her one more. It's hard being a daddy to such a cute little girl.....I am so screwed.

I might be channeling Tara McPherson a little too much here. That third eye isn't fooling anyone I suspect. Sorry Tara, you're awesome and I love your work so please don't hurt me.

Two of my favorite things. Film cameras and pink butterflies.

The following paintings were something I've always wanted to try. I've seen a couple other people paint on records and thought it would be pretty fun. It was.

I'm showing the album covers that go along with the paintings because if someone buys one it gets shipped in the cover.


Julie Collings said...

amazing new stuff! i will have to wake up batgirl early this morning so she can view before school.
she has been cultivating her bat ways and turning a bit nocturnal. this might be just what i need to get her rolled out of bed on a monday.
i especailly like the robot girl on the album cover.
is it on etsy? i'll have to check.

i tried to make a piece for you to work on and bombed it. i really like the idea but cant quite visualize how to begin. some assistance here.

hope all is well with the spider and the wee ones. one of you better post the pics of halloween costumes, candy, and other madness. Julie

Marina Collings Whiting said...

awesome! i love the record ones, but dude, easy on the pastel colors! ya burnin' my eyes!! ah!! no, im just kidding, i love it. shes right, i read two full books last night. the princess bride and midnight magic, which is only like 300 pages total, but who cares, still up til 3 or 4ish... shouldve been painting. waste of time. ive read them both before. im sorry to be commenting so much, but i dont want you to feel as if i have dropped off the face of the earth and im too lazy to blog. X)haha. im serious about the beth orton stuff tho, send send!!

mindi said...

LOVE the records. that is so cool! i wish some of my records had sweet paintings on them!

Lindsey said...

I didn't know you were such a fan of pink... butterflies... ;)