Sunday, August 17, 2008

Poison Ivy Can Kiss My Butt

If you ever wanted to see every single variety of poison ivy you could come and walk around our yard. We have the bush kind, the low ground cover kind and the vine kind. The stuff is literally everywhere. I've been spraying like crazy all summer and have knocked it back from the areas we use in most of the yard.

The vines are particularly maddening. My sprayer will only go so high up the trees so there's lots of dead leaves down low but up higher the evil stuff couldn't be happier.

When I started cutting down the trees that had to go (and happened to be covered in vines) I was always very careful that if it touched my hands/arms/face I would immediately come in and wash with hot soapy water. I've never been around this stuff until moving to New Jersey so I read all the horror stories online...

One time I was ripping down a vine of what I thought was virginia creeper then realized it was poison ivy. It was all over my hands and arms and I was right in the middle of trying to get trees cut down and limbs cut up so I waited to go and wash. Then I totally forgot all about it. I had no reaction. Another time working on the same tree I caught a bunch of it to my face. Again no reaction. Apparently about 25% of people are immune to poison ivy. Lucky me I'm one of them.

Dead leaves on the bottom-healthy leaves just out of reach of my sprayer. Now I just yank the damn vines right off the tree and up root as much as I can. Now that I have special powers poison ivy can kiss my butt. You're going down sucka!


Shelley Jones said...

Wow, it's like having a real life super power!

Josh said...

Use your powers for good, not evil!